512 Kbyte Flash Module (S12XFTX512K4V2)
BookTitle, Rev. 2.4
Freescale Semiconductor 143
unaffected by the backdoor key access sequence. After the next reset of the MCU, the security state of the
Flash module is determined by the Flash security byte (0x7F_FF0F). The backdoor key access sequence
has no effect on the program and erase protections defined in the Flash protection register.
It is not possible to unsecure the MCU in special single chip mode by using the backdoor key access
sequence in background debug mode (BDM).

2.6.2 Unsecuring the MCU in Special Single Chip Mode using BDM

The MCU can be unsecured in special single chip mode by erasing the Flash module by the following
Reset the MCU into special single chip mode, delay while the erase test is performed by the BDM
secure ROM, send BDM commands to disable protection in the Flash module, and execute a mass
erase command write sequence to erase the Flash memory.
After the CCIF flag sets to indicate that the mass operation has completed, reset the MCU into special
single chip mode. The BDM secure ROM will verify that the Flash memory is erased and will assert the
UNSEC bit in the BDM status register. This BDM action will cause the MCU to override the Flash security
state and the MCU will be unsecured. All BDM commands will be enabled and the Flash security byte
may be programmed to the unsecure state by the following method:
Send BDM commands to execute a word program sequence to program the Flash security byte to
the unsecured state and reset the MCU.
2.7 Resets

2.7.1 Flash Reset Sequence

On each reset, the Flash module executes a reset sequence to hold CPU activity while loading the following
registers from the Flash memory according to Table 2-1:
FPROT — Flash Protection Register (see Section
FCTL - Flash Control Register (see Section
FSEC — Flash Security Register (see Section

2.7.2 Reset While Flash Command Active

If a reset occurs while any Flash command is in progress, that command will be immediately aborted. The
state of the word being programmed or the sector/block being erased is not guaranteed.
2.8 Interrupts
The Flash module can generate an interrupt when all Flash command operations have completed, when the
Flash address, data and command buffers are empty.