Solving Battery Problems Continued
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Battery pack will not | Battery pack was | Allow time for the battery |
fast charge | exposed to tempera- | pack to return to room |
| ture extremes. | temperature. |
| Battery pack has | Replace the battery |
| exceeded its useful | pack. |
| life. |
| |
| Battery pack is already Use the battery pack | |
| fully charged. | without attempting to fast |
| charge it. |
Computer shut | You removed a | Replace the discharged |
down and | battery from the | battery pack with a fully |
information was lost | computer when the | charged one or connect |
when replacing a | computer had no | the computer to external |
battery pack | other source | power. Then turn on the |
| of power. | computer to determine if |
| any of your information is |
| recoverable. |
Battery charge does | Battery pack has | Put the computer in a |
not last very long | been exposed to | cool place and recharge |
| extremely warm | the battery pack. |
| temperatures. |
| Battery pack has | Put the computer in a |
| been exposed to | warm place and |
| extremely cold | recharge the battery |
| temperatures. | pack. |
| Battery has partially | Recharge the battery. |
| |
| Power conservation is | Reset the power |
| disabled or set to | conservation level. |
| drain. |
| An external device is | Turn off or remove |
| draining the battery. | external devices when |
| not using them. |
Battery gauge | There have been too | The battery pack must be |
appears inaccurate | many partial charges | completely discharged |
| to the battery pack. | then recharged to |
| maintain battery gauge |
| accuracy. |