Solving Power Problems
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Computer turned off | The system initiated | Connect the computer to |
while it was left | Hibernation due to a | an external power |
unattended and | low battery condition. | source. |
power/suspend light |
| Charge the battery pack. |
| |
is off |
| |
| Replace the depleted |
| battery pack with a fully |
| charged battery pack. |
Computer turned off | The computer entered | Enable Hibernation |
while unattended, | a low battery | through Power |
power/suspend light | condition while | Properties after doing |
is off, and | Hibernation was | one or more of the |
information was lost | disabled. | following: |
| 1. Connect the computer |
| to an external power |
| source. |
| 2. Charge the battery |
| pack. |
| 3. Replace the battery |
| pack with a fully |
| charged battery pack. |