Using the SpeedStep Icon
The SpeedStep icon displays in the system tray by default and changes to indicate whether the computer is running in Maximum Performance or Battery Optimized mode. The icon can also be used for the following tasks:
SpeedStep Icon Tasks
Display current performance mode.
Rest the pointer over the icon.
Open the SpeedStep window.
Change the current performance mode.
Conserving Battery Power
Battery Power Conservation Checklist
■Exit modem applications and turn off local area network (LAN) connections when you are not using them.
■Disconnect external equipment you are not using that is not connected to an external power source.
■If you leave your work, initiate Suspend (Standby) or Hibernation or shut down the computer.
■Remove PC Cards you are not using.
■Use the Fn+F10 hotkeys to quickly raise and lower display brightness as you work.
■Run the computer on external power while formatting a diskette.