Solving Microsoft Software Problems
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
While installing MS | MS Office is not | Uninstall and reinstall MS |
Office, you get “No | installed properly. | Office. |
License” message |
While installing | MS Access is not | Uninstall and reinstall |
Access (from | registered on the | Access. |
Professional), you | computer properly. |
get “No License” |
message |
Internet Explorer | Explorer is not | Refer to your ISP for |
will not set up | configured properly. | support. |
Unable to set up | Setup process is not | If you are trying to set up |
Outlook on | correct. | mail to work with your |
Windows |
| ISP, refer to your ISP for |
| support. |
| |
| Outlook is available |
| through Compaq. |
While trying to use | Template is not | Verify that templates are |
an Office template, | installed properly. | included in Office Setup, |
you get the |
| or Uninstall Office and |
message that it is |
| reinstall Office and select |
not available |
| everything. |
While installing | A Windows CD is not | Use the following path: |
software, you are | provided because it is | C:\Windows\Options\ |
prompted for a | included on your | CABS. |
Windows CD and | QuickRestore CD. The |
you do not have | files that you need are |
one |
| |
| system. |