While your computer is configured just for you, problems you encounter while working may not be unique. Eliminating the typical problems described in these troubleshooting sections may save you time and money. If you have a problem with your computer, consider the problems and possible solutions in the troubleshooting sections. If the problem appears related to a software application, also check the documentation provided with the software. You may discover something you can resolve easily by yourself. If the condition persists, contact your Compaq authorized service provider or the Customer Support Center.
Solving Basic Problems
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Computer appears | Software control of | Press and hold the |
locked up and will | the Power switch is | Power button for four |
not turn off when the | not functional. | seconds; the release. |
Power button is |
| This invokes the |
pressed |
| hardware overdrive for |
| the Power button. |
Computer powered | The unit temperature | Unit is in an exceedingly |
off automatically. | was exceeded. | hot environment. Let it |
| cool down. |
| The fan is blocked. | Contact your Compaq |
| authorized reseller or |
| service provider. |
Solving Audio Problems
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Computer does not | System beeps have | Use the Fn+F5 hotkeys to |
beep after the | been turned down. | turn up the system |
| volume. | |
(POST) |
No sound | Audio drivers not | Remove the audio |
| installed | device in the Device |
| Manager and restart the |
| computer. Refer to the |
| audio driver |
| documentation for |
| instructions on installing |
| audio drivers for third |
| party drivers. |