Solving Infrared Problems
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Cannot | The required software | Install the required |
communicate with | is not running on both | software on the second |
another computer | computers. | computer, start the |
| second device, and start |
| the program on both |
| computers. |
| One computer does | Ensure that |
| not have an IrDA- | communication between |
| compliant infrared | infrared devices uses the |
| port. | same protocol. |
| The pathway between | Remove the obstruction, |
| the infrared ports is | align the infrared ports to |
| obstructed, one port is | within 30 degrees, and |
| more than 30 degrees | position the computers |
| (plus or minus 15 | within 1.5 feet (about 0.5 |
| degrees off the center | meters) of each other. |
| line) from the other, or | The ports should not be |
| the ports are more | touching. |
| than 1.5 feet (about |
| 0.5 meters) apart. |
| There is an interrupt | Check for IRQ conflicts in |
| request (IRQ) conflict. | the Device Manager on |
| one or both computers. |
| Click |
| StartàSettingsàControl |
| PanelàSystemàDevice |
| Manager tab. If the |
| Device Manager |
| indicates an IRQ conflict, |
| reassign the IRQ number |
| for one of the conflicting |
| devices. |
| There is a baud rate | Select the same baud |
| conflict. | rate for both computers. |
| There is a conflict with | Select the same # bits |
| the # bits. | setting for both |
| computers. |
| There is a stop bit | Select the same stop bit |
| conflict. | for both computers. |
| There is a parity | Select the same parity |
| conflict. | setting for both |
| computers. |
| Continued |