Solving Audio Problems | Continued |
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
No volume and no | Either the Mute All or | Launch the Microsoft |
sound can be heard. | the Mute Volume | Volume Control applet. |
You have verified | option is enabled | Under each of the |
that your speaker | under the Microsoft | controls look at the Mute |
connections and | Volume Control | option. If Mute All or |
audio drivers are | applet. | Mute is enabled (i.e. |
installed correctly |
| checked) for any control, |
| disable it by clicking on |
| Mute. |
No sound in | There is a conflict with | Remove existing audio |
Windows | the audio card. | drivers and restart the |
| computer. |
No sound from DOS | DOS has different | From the original audio |
applications | drivers than those | driver diskette, verify that |
| included with your | DOS mode drivers are |
| computer. DOS mode | installed in |
| drivers are not | CONFIG.SYS. |
| installed or are not |
| working correctly. |
Internal speaker | The volume controls | Adjust the volume of the |
produces no sound | on the right side of the | stereo speakers using |
| computer may be set | the volume control |
| too low. | buttons on the right side |
| of the computer. The |
| right button adjusts the |
| volume up; the left button |
| adjusts the volume |
| down. |
| Use the volume control |
| and mixing features |
| available in Control |
| PanelàMultimedia. |
| Adjust the volume using |
| the speaker icon on the |
| taskbar. |
| Line input may not be | Check line input |
| connected properly. | connection. |
| Headphones or | Disconnect the |
| speakers are | headphones or external |
| connected to the | speakers to enable the |
| stereo headphone | internal speakers. |
| jack, which disables |
| the internal speakers. |
| Continued |