Using the Online Help
To Install the Online Help
7Select “All Filesets on the Source Media” by using the arrow keys to highlight the option; then pressing either Enter or F4.
The Select All Filesets on the Source Media window is displayed.
8Select “Start Loading Now” by using the arrow keys to highlight the option; then pressing either Enter or F4.
A message window is displayed asking you whether you want to “Start loading filesets now?”
9Type y.
The Loading Partitions and Filesets window is displayed. This window indicates the progress of the installation.
The help package is installed in the /OPT/E5200A/ directory.
10When the installation is complete, you should view the log file to check for errors in the installation. At the # prompt type more /tmp/update.log.
11Errors are displayed at the end of the file. If there are errors, correct the problem, type rmfn in a terminal window, then reinstall the help.
12Unmount the CD-ROM from your file system by typing:
cd /
/etc/unmount /cdrom
13To print help topics, set up the current printer for the help viewer using the Printer Setup option in the File menu. For more information see the How to use Help option in the Help menu in the help viewer.