monitor alarms and errors, 2-30 acadia configuration, default, B-2
domain name information, B-2 host table, B-2
IP address, B-2 NFS services, B-3 TCP/IP services, B-3 user authorization, B-3
alarms inject, 2-48
physical, 2-51 protocol, 2-48
log, 2-33 monitor, 2-28
AAL, 2-30 ATM layer, 2-30 OAM, 2-30
per channel, 2-31 per link, 2-28 physical layer, 2-30
ASCII to hexadecimal conversion, A-2 ATM layer
monitor alarms and errors, 2-30 AUI LAN connector, 5-6
backup files, 1-23, 1-24
create a bootable diskette, 1-23 from a notebook PC, 1-24
to a PC, 1-24
to an HP-UX workstation, 1-25 BITS input connector, 5-7 BSTS conversion utility, 1-7
capture data, 2-38 convert to BSTS, 2-42
capture system specifications, 5-13
category environment default configuration, B-4 change a password, 4-6
change the COM port assignments, 1-16 change the system date and time, 4-8 change the system time zone, 4-9 Channel Monitor, 2-26
cleaning instructions, iv configuration, acadia default, B-2 configure a port, 2-18 configure the analyzer, 1-11, 2-18
configure the notebook PC or workstation, 1-10 connect the analyzer, 1-12
connect the analyzer using a modem, 1-17 connect to the system unde test
instrusive, 2-3
connect to the system under test, 2-2 diagnostic, 2-8
external loopback, 2-9 transmit loopback, 2-9
intrusive in-line, 2-5
network element, 2-3 remote loopback, 2-4
non-intrusive, 2-6 passive, 2-7 T-piece, 2-7
connector panel at a glance, 1-5 connectors, external, 5-4
AUI LAN, 5-6 BITS input, 5-7 serial port, 5-4 Sunc Out, 5-9 Sync In, 5-8 UTP LAN, 5-5
create a bootable diskette, 1-23
D data
capture, 2-38 replay, 2-47
view captured data, 2-38 data conversion, 2-42 data conversion utility, 1-7 date and time, change, 4-8 default acadia configuration, B-2 default configuration
category environment, B-4 domain name, B-2
host table, B-2 IP address, B-2 NFS services, B-3 TCP/IP, B-3
user authorization, B-3
domain name default configuration, B-2
electrical specifications, 5-3 power requirements, 5-3 environmental specifications
altitude, 5-15 humidity, 5-15