Using the Online Help
To Display the Online Help
To Display the Online Help
The analyzer’s online help consists of three volumes:
∙User Online Help which contains
❍instructions for the most common tasks
❍reference topics that provide background information for those tasks
❍a glossary
❍descriptions of all screens, windows, fields, icons, buttons and messages
∙Macro Online Help which contains all of the information you need to record, edit, and run your own macros
∙UPE Compatibility Online Help which contains all of the information you need to convert your HP Broadband Series Test System UPE programs for use with the HP Broadband Service Analyzer
To display instructions on how to use the help system, select Using Help from the Help menu on the main screen.
You can access help in a number of ways depending on the type of help you require.
To Display Help Topics
Topics within help are organized into help folders. The Help Contents list displays a menu of all help folders. Each help folder contains a number of subtopics.
To display the Help Contents list, select either User, Macro, or UPE Compatibility from the Help menu.
If you are using the notebook PC, you can also run the help viewer independently of the analyzer. The HP Broadband Analyzer program group contains three help
3 Using the Online Help