A |
administration | The half (branch) of the administration network that contains all of the |
branch | administration ports to the nodes of the HP XC system. |
administration | The private network within the HP XC system that is used for administrative operations. |
network |
availability set | An association of two individual nodes so that one node acts as the first server and the other |
| node acts as the second server of a service. |
| See also improved availability, availability tool. |
availability tool | A software product that enables system services to continue running if a hardware or software |
| failure occurs by failing over the service to the other node in an availability set. |
| See also improved availability, availability set. |
B |
base image | The collection of files and directories that represents the common files and configuration data |
| that are applied to all nodes in an HP XC system. |
branch switch | A component of the Administration Network. A switch that is uplinked to the root switch and |
| receives physical connections from multiple nodes. |
C |
cluster | A set of independent computers combined into a unified system through system software and |
| networking technologies. |
cluster alias | The external cluster host name supported by LVS, which enables inbound connections without |
| having to know individual nodes names to connect and log in to the HP XC system. |
CMDB | Configuration and management database. Constructed during HP XC system installation, the |
| CMDB is a MySQL database that stores information about the nodes, hardware, and software |
| configuration, and network connectivity. This database runs on the node with the node |
| management role. |
compute node | A node that is assigned only with the compute role and no other. Jobs are distributed to and |
| run on nodes with the compute role; no other services run on a compute node. |
| . |
configuration and | See CMDB. |
management |
database |
console branch | A component of the administration network. The half (branch) of the administration network |
| that contains all of the console ports of the nodes of the HP XC system. This branch is established |
| as a separate branch to enable some level of partitioning of the administration network to |
| support specific security needs. |
D |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Control Protocol. A protocol that dynamically allocates IP addresses to computers |
| on a local area network. |
Dynamic Host | See DHCP. |
Control Protocol |
E |
EFI | Extensible Firmware Interface. Defines a model for the interface between operating systems |
| and |