Handling your computer
Ergonomics information
This | is important information you should | read before using your port | ||||||||||||||||
able ThinkPad computer in your "virtual office". |
| ||||||||||||
Working |
| in the virtual office may mean | adapting |
| to | frequent | changes | |||||||||||
in your | environment. | Following some | simple | "rules of the road" will | ||||||||||||||
make | things easier and bring you the | maximum | benefits | of your | ||||||||||||||
ThinkPad |
| computer. Keeping in mind such | basics | as | good | lighting | ||||||||||||
and | proper seating, for example, can | go a long way in helping you | ||||||||||||||||
enhance |
| your performance | and | achieve | greater | comfort | wherever | |||||||||||
you | are. |
| ||
What | if | I | am | traveling? |
| |
It | may | not | be | possible | to | observe the | best | ergonomic | practices | |||||||||
you | are using the ThinkPad computer while on the | move | or | in | a | |||||||||||||
"casual" setting. Regardless of the setting, | try | to observe | as many | |||||||||||||||
the | tips for proper usage as possible. Sitting | properly | and | using | ||||||||||||||
quate | lighting, | for | example, | will | help | you | maintain | desirable | comfort | |||||||||
and | performance | levels. |
Questions about vision?
IBM's visual display screens are designed to meet the highest sta ards and to provide you with clear, crisp images and large, brigh displays that are easy to see, yet easy on the eyes. Of cour concentrated and sustained visual activity can be tiring. If you questions on eye fatigue or visual discomfort, consult a vision care specialist for advice.
Note: The | example | shown here is | someone | in | a | traditional | setting. | |
Even | when not | in such a setting, you | can | follow | many | of | ||
these tips. | Develop good | habits, | and | they will | serve you well |
40 ThinkPad 240 User's Reference