/usr/samples/syscatch directory. Contact the service provider for the correct telephone number to enter here.
ŸCustomer Administrative Center Phone Number
This is the number of the System Administration Center computer (catcher) that receives problem calls from systems. Contact the system administrator for the correct telephone number to enter here.
ŸDigital Pager Phone Number In Event of Emergency
This | is the number for | a pager carried by someone who responds to problem |
calls | from your system. |
ŸCustomer Voice Phone Number
This is the number for a telephone near the system, or answered by someone responsible for the system. This is the telephone number left on the pager f callback.
ŸCustomer System Phone Number
This is the number to which your system's modem is connected. The service or administrative center representatives need this number to make direct contact
with your system for problem investigation. This is alsoCall referredIn to as the phone number.
ŸCustomer Account Number
This number is available for service providers to use for
ŸCall Out Policy Numbers to call if failure
This | is set to either first | or all. If the call | out policy | is | set to | first |
the | first successful call to | one of the following | numbers in | the | order | listed |
1.Service Center
2.Customer Administrative Center
If | Call | Out | Policy is set to all, call out attempts to call all of the followi |
in | the | order | listed: |
1.Service Center
2.Customer Administrative Center
ŸCustomer RETAIN Login ID Customer RETAIN Login Password
These settings apply to the RETAIN service function.