Display Resource Attributes
This task displays the Customized Device Attributes associated with a selected
resource. This task is similar to
Display Service Hints
This service aid reads and displays the information in the CEREADME file from the diagnostics media. This file contains information that is not contained in the publications for this version of the diagnostics. The file also contains information about using this particular version of diagnostics.
Use the arrow keys to scroll through the information in the file.
Display |
| Software | Product | Data |
| |||
This | task | uses | SMIT to | display information about the installed software and provide | |||||
the | following | functions: |
| |||||
Ÿ | List | Installed | Software |
| |||||
Ÿ | List | Applied | but Not Committed Software Updates | ||||||
Ÿ | Show | Software | Installation | History | |||||
Ÿ | Show | Fix | (APAR) | Installation | Status | ||||
Ÿ | List | Fileset | Requisites |
| |||||
Ÿ | List | Fileset | Dependents |
| |||||
Ÿ | List | Files | Included | in a | Fileset |
ŸList File Owner by Fileset
Display System Environmental Sensors
This service aid displays the environmental sensors implemented on a CHRP
system. The information displayed is the sensor name, physical location code, lite value of the sensor status, and the literal value of the sensor reading.
The | sensor | status | can | be | any | one | of the following: |
| |||||
Ÿ | Normal | – | The |
| sensor | reading | is | within the normal operating range. |
| ||||||
Ÿ | Critical | High | – | The | sensor | reading | indicates | a | serious | problem | with the device. | ||||
| Run | diagnostics | on | sysplanar0 | to | determine | what | repair | action | is | needed. | ||||
Ÿ | Critical | Low | – | The | sensor | reading | indicates a serious problem with the device. | ||||||||
| Run | diagnostics | on | sysplanar0 | to | determine | what | repair | action | is | needed. |
Chapter 6. Introducing Tasks and Service125 Aids