i.Enable timestamps, set the execution throttle to 256, and uncheck immediate data.
j.Click Save and Yes.
k.In the Security Check window, enter your password and click OK.
The HBA performs an iSCSI discovery. Once finished, SANsurfer displays all of the targets on the storage system.
Configuring the iSNS Client on the Storage System
iSNS (Internet Storage Naming Service) is supported only for Windows iSCSI environments. iSNS provides the same function as the Simple Name Server (SNS) service in a Fibre Channel fabric - automated discovery, management, and configuration of iSCSI devices. It eliminates the need to manually configure each individual storage system with its own list of initiators and targets.
iSNS includes an iSNS server component and iSNS client component. The iSNS server must reside somewhere within the IP storage network, for example, on a host or in the switch firmware. An iSNS client resides on both the iSCSI storage system and any iSCSI servers connected to the storage system. When you start the storage system, the iSNS client on the storage system gathers all the
STEP 1. Start Navisphere Express. Follow Procedure 29, "Running Navisphere Express," on page 163.
STEP 2. For each iSNS server to which you want the storage system to connect:
a.In the Manage iSCSI page, click iSNS to open the iSNS Servers page.
b.Click Add to open the Add iSNS Servers dialog box.
c.In the Add iSNS Servers dialog box, enter the IP address of the server you are adding.
d.Click Apply to send the SP iSCSI port information to the server. Before the IP address is applied, it is tested to ensure it is valid.
e.In the iSNS servers dialog box, select the server to be the primary server and click Set Primary.
Configuring iSCSI Initiators for a Configuration With iSNS
Before a NIC or iSCSI HBA iSCSI initiator in a server can send data to or receive data from the storage system, you must configure the network parameters for the initiators for iSNS.
Configuring NIC initiators on Windows servers for iSNS
Use the Navisphere Server Utility package to configure the network parameters for each NIC iSCSI initiator.
124 | Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide |
| Revision 1.0 |