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About picture size
Picture sizes in which still pictures will be recorded differ depending on the [REC MODE] setting and
the [REC FORMAT] setting (l139).
It is possible to record still pictures while recordin g motion pictures. (rec-and-capture)
It is recommended to use a tripod when recording under low light conditions because the shutter
speed becomes slow.
If rec-and-capture is used while recording a motion picture , the remaining recordable time will
shorten. If you turn off this unit or press the THUMBNAIL button, t he remaining recordable time
may become longer.
Maximum number of recordable pictures that can be displayed is 9999. If the number of
recordable pictures exceeds 9999, R 9999+ is displayed . The number will not change when the
picture is taken until the number of recordable picture s is 9999 or less.
When playing back a still picture recorded with this unit in the 17:9 aspect, black bands appear on
the top and bottom of the screen.
The 17:9 or 16:9 still pictures recorded using this unit may be cropped at the edges when printed.
So, be sure to check before printing in the store or on you r printer.
Please refer to page 179 about approximate number o f recordable pictures.
The recording time may be long depending on the r ecording condition.
Recording mode Recording format Aspe ct Picture size
[REC FORMAT] setting with a
size of C4K (4096k2160) 17:9 4096k2160
[REC FORMAT] setting with a
size of 4K (3840k2160)
[REC FORMAT] setting with a
size of FHD (1920k1080) 1920k1080
AVCHD All [RECFORMAT] settings