∫Playback indications
1, ;, 5, , 6, , 7, 8, 9, :, D, E, ;1, 2;
Display during playback (l 79, 83)
TC 00:00:00.00
Counter Display (l 57)
No.10 | Scene Number (In Playback |
No.0010 | Mode) |
Scene Number (In | |
| display in thumbnail mode) |
15:30 | Time indication (l 27) |
NOV 15 2014 | Date indication |
| Repeat Playback (l 85) |
| Resume Playback (l 86) |
Still picture folder/file name | |
| Protected motion pictures/still |
| pictures (l 88) |
, , , Recording mode (When thumbnails are displayed) (l 79)
C4K , 4K , HD , PH , PS , HA , HE , PM
Recording format (When thumbnails are displayed) (l 79, 139)
10Scene Number (In
∫Indication of connection to
, | |
| access point) (l 120) |
, | |
| connection) (l 120) |
∫Indication of connection to
USB HDD Playback (l 106)
∫Indication of connection to other devices
Accessing the card (l 94, 109)
∫Confirmatory indications
––(Time The built-in battery is low. (l 27) display)
Warning for recording of yourself (l 26)
SD card is not inserted.
SD card is
SD card is
SD card is full.
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