Groups Views

Events Details

From this screen you are able to add a comment to an event, set an event as acknowledged or not, or
delete the event from the database. By managing events on your network you will be able to view the
events that are critical and deal with those events first.
Click on the Events tab to see the list of events associated with this device.
At the top of the screen there is a total of the number of events for each event severity.
Column Details
Action Taken

Device Details -> Events

Custom 1, 2, 3 These field can be used to save information about this hardware to be used in
logs, views and reports.
For each event on the list, you are presented with some basic information on the event. This
view can be customized by clicking on the “Columns” button on the top, right hand of the table.
Click on the magnify glass to apply filters to this view
Displays whether this event has been acknowledged. Marking an event as
“Acknowledged” simply indicates to you that you have seen and dealt with
this event. The drop down acknowledged box allows you to sort by
acknowledged yes or no.
Displays the severity of each event.
Displays the time the event was received.
This is a brief description of the event.
When an associated action exists for a given event, this column will display
a link called “details....”. Click on this link to obtain more information on the
action performed. To view more information about events and Automatic
Event handling see Automatic Event Handling .
Displays the comment that you specified in this field.
This is the message entered into the log file. It contains detailed information
about the event.