
Device View
PerleVIEW User Accounts
PerleVIEW always requires one PerleVIEW administrator in order to operate. This “master”
administrator user is the user you configured during your installation of PerleVIEW. The PerleVIEW
Master administrator cannot be deleted through the PerleVIEW web interface, however the name,
domain and full name can be edited using the PerleVIEW Admin Utility see PVAdmin (PerleVIEW
Administrator) .

Launching PerleVIEW User Accounts

Administration->PerleVIEW User Accounts

Working with PerleVIEW User Accounts

PerleVIEW provides the following User Account functions.
zAdd a User to PerleVIEW’s database
zAdd a Group to PerleVIEWs database
zEdit User or Group from the PerleVIEW database
zDelete User or Group from the PerleVIEW database
zLog Off a User
Device Access
PerleVIEW Administrator This is the highest access level available on PerleVIEW.
It provides access to all PerleVIEW administrator
functions as well as Device Admin access. If a user is not
a PerleVIEW administrator, they are a PerleVIEW
operator. A PerleVIEW operator can not make any
changes that would affect the configuration or operation
of PerleVIEW.
Device Administrator Access to all Device access functions for target devices
such as: Firmware Updates and configuration.
Device Operator Access to operator functions for target devices. This
includes retrieving status as well as operating the device
(i.e. reboot of device).
Access to view target devices. Can retrieve status of
devices and perform such operation as collecting
statistics from devices.