7 Tasks
Chapter 7
PerleVIEW provides you with the ability to create task instances for common functions you need to perform on your devices. By creating tasks this gives you the ability to control and schedule when certain functions will be performed (example: discovering devices or deploying software).
PerleVIEW Common Tasks
zDiscovering Devices
zCollecting Statistics
zDevice Scripting
zDeploying Firmware
zBackup/Restore Device Configuration
When you install PerleVIEW, it will automatically create some “system” tasks which it needs in order to properly function. You can edit the parameters for these default tasks instances, however they cannot be deleted.
PerleVIEW Default Tasks
zDefault Device Discovery (see Discovering Devices)
zDefault Device Rediscovery (see Polling)
zEvents Cleanup (see Event Cleanup)
zPoll Hardware Health Status (see Polling)
zPoll Media Converter Port Status (see Polling)
zPoll Device Reachable (see Polling)
zTask Results Cleanup (see Task Results Cleanup)
zApplication Update Notifier (see PerleVIEW Updates)
zFirmware Update Notifier (see Check for Firmware Update)