Discovering Devices
Support If all devices in your network are reachable by sending an ICMP message, ICMP ping then select this checkbox to optimize the discovery of these devices.
messages PerleVIEW will first send a ICMP message to see if the device is reachable before sending requests to gather information about this device.
Protocol Specify how long to wait for a reply from the device after sending either a
Timeout UDP message on port 33816, an SNMP message, a ping message or a Perle Discovery message. This field should contain the value in seconds of the device which has the longest response time.
Default: 3 seconds
Values: 1-255
(*) denotes - leave blank to use global parameter
Protocol Specify how many retries to attempt when no response received from a UDP
Retries message on port 33816, an SNMP message, a ping message or a Perle Discovery message.
Default: 2
Values: 0-255
(*) denotes - leave blank to use global parameter
Select Credential Put a check mark in front of each type of credential that you want
TypesPerleVIEW to validate for devices discovered by this discovery task instance. Since PerleVIEW uses SNMP to collect information from devices as well as control the devices, at least one of the SNMP credentials must be checked.
The credentials used by PerleVIEW are as follows;
zSMNP read community - Used to get statuses from the device.
zSMNP read/write community - Used to get statuses and control the device (example: reboot the device).
zOperator login/Admin login - These credentials are used by PerleVIEW to log into the device when needed. For example, when managing the device via Web Manager or Web Terminal, PerleVIEW will automatically log you into the device using the device’s login credentials.
zSSH keys - If SSH keys are used on the device, the SSH private/public key pair will be used by PerleVIEW to login to that device when performing an SSH connection or managing the device via a secured (HTTPS) Web Manager session.
Select Credential For the credential types you selected, you can now specify where
DataPerleVIEW will obtain the credential values to be attempted on the device. By default, PerleVIEW will attempt the credential values configured in it’s global credential tables. If you wish to use a specific credential value with this discovery task, you can do so by checking the “Specify additional credentials” checkbox. If both “Use global credentials” and “Specify additional credentials” are checked, PerleVIEW will attempt to use the credentials specified with this discovery task instance first. If they fail, it will attempt to find valid credentials using the global credentials. See global Credentials for more information.
Settings for All Discovery Tasks
Click on the Settings for All Discovery Tasks button to view and configure global parameters which apply to all discovery task instances. For more information see Configure Device Settings .