Configure Device Settings
Exclude the following IP addresses and ranges from device discover.
To exclude certain IP addresses or IP ranges from the device discovery task, add entries to the table. Valid options are IP addresses and IP ranges.
Exclude a single IP address or a range of IP addresses. examples: (excludes a single IP address) (excludes addresses
Automatically | If PerleVIEW is configured as an SNMP trap host for this device, when the |
discover device | device sends a trap to PerleVIEW, this will cause PerleVIEW to add the |
when a SNMP | device to its database (i.e. automatically discover the device) if it is not |
trap is received | already in the database. When this happens, the global parameters are used |
from that device. | for protocol timers and credential validation for this device. |
At time of | If this option is set, when PerleVIEW discovers a new device, it will modify |
discovery, set | the configuration of that device to add PerleVIEW’s server address to the |
PerleVIEW as a | device’s SNMP trap host table. |
trap host for the |
discovered |
device. |
These credentials are the global settings used when PerleVIEW attempts to discover valid credentials for a devices. PerleVIEW will attempt each of the configured SNMP credentials, configured Login credentials and configured SSH keys. If credentials are specified with the discovery task instance, they will be attempted first. If they fail, the global credentials will be attempted.
You can configure up to 10 SNMP Read and Read/Write communities within PerleVIEW. These configured SNMP communities need to match the configured SNMP Read and Read/Write communities configured on one or more of your devices. SNMP Read Only communities allow you to only read from the devices to get status information whereas Read/Write communities allow you to also control the target device (example: reboot the device).
You can configured up to 10 login id’s for administrator and operator under Login credentials These configured administrator and operator login id’s must match users configured within the devices user database. PerleVIEW will use these login credentials whenever it needs to log into a device.
Examples of this is when PerleVIEW needs to Telnet to a device to deploy a “device script” or when a user is performing a Web Management session with the device.
You can configure up to 10 SSH keys under SSH Keys. These will be used when PerleVIEW needs to SSH to a device and the device has been set up to use SSH keys. The devices must have the correct SSH public key configured for you to be logged into this device using this SSH private/public key pair.