3 – User Account Configuration Modifying User Accounts and Passwords
Modifying User Accounts and Passwords
Only the Admin user account can modify a user account, delete a user account, or change the password of another user account. However, all user accounts can change their own passwords. The User command modifies and deletes user accounts. The Passwd command changes passwords.
The following example removes the expiration date and admin authority for the user account named user1.
SANbox (admin) #> user edit
Press 'q' and the ENTER key to abort this command.
account name | : user1 | |
set account | expiration in days | |
should this | account have admin | authority? (y/n): [n] |
OK to modify user account 'user1' with no admin authority and to expire in 0 days?
Please confirm (y/n): [n]
The following example deletes the user account named user3.
SANbox (admin) #> user delete user3
The user account will be deleted. Please confirm (y/n): [n] y
In the following example, the Admin user account changes the password for the user account named user2.
SANbox #> admin start
SANbox (admin) #> passwd user2
Press 'q' and the ENTER key to abort this command.
account | OLD | password |
| : | ******** |
account | NEW | password | : | ******** |
please confirm account NEW password: ********
password has been changed.