13 – Command Reference Config
Examples The following shows an example of how to open and close a Config Edit session:
SANbox | #> admin start |
SANbox | (admin) #> config edit |
The | config named default is being edited. |
Configuration mode will be canceled. Please confirm (y/n): [n] y SANbox (admin) #> admin end
The following is an example of how to create a backup file (configdata) and download the file to the workstation.
SANbox #> config backup
SANbox #> exit
#>ftp symbolic_name or ip_address user: images
password: images ftp> bin
ftp> get configdata ftp> quit
The following is an example of how to upload a configuration backup file (configdata) from the workstation to the switch, and then restore the configuration.
#> ftp symbolic_name or ip_address
user: images
password: images ftp> bin
ftp> put configdata ftp> quit
SANbox #> admin start
SANbox (admin) #> config restore
The switch will be reset after restoring the configuration. Please confirm (y/n): [n] y
Alarm Msg: [day month date time year][A1005.0021][SM][Configuration is being restored - this could take several minutes]
Alarm Msg: [day month date time year][A1000.000A][SM][The switch will be reset in
3 seconds due to a config restore] SANbox (admin) #>
Alarm Msg: [day month date time year][A1000.0005][SM][The switch is being reset]