13 – Command Reference Show Port
Table | |
Entry | Description |
LIP_F7_F7 | A loop initialization primitive frame used to acquire a valid |
| AL_PA. |
LIP_F8_F7 | A loop initialization primitive frame used to indicate that a loop |
| failure has been detected at the receiver. |
Login | Number of device logins |
LoginStatus | Login status |
Logout | Number of device logouts |
LongFramesIn | Number of incidents when one or more frames are received |
| that are greater than the maximum size. |
LoopTimeouts | A two (2) second timeout as specified by |
LossOfSync | Number of synchronization losses (>100 ms) detected by this |
| port. A loss of synchronization is detected by receipt of an |
| invalid transmission word. |
LostFrames | Number of incidents of lost frames. |
Lost RRDYs | Number of incidents of lost R_RDYs. |
MaxCredit | Maximum number of port buffer credits |
MediaSpeeds | Possible transmission speeds |
MediaPartNumber | Transceiver vendor part number |
MediaRevision | Transceiver revision |
MediaType | Transceiver type |
MediaVendor | Transceiver manufacturer |
MediaVendorID | Transceiver manufacturer identifier |
OperationalState | Operational state |
PerfTuningMode | AutoPerfTuning status |
PortID | Fibre Channel port address |
PortWWN | World wide port name |
PrimSeqErrors | Primitive sequence errors detected. |
RunningType | Operational port type |
RxLinkResets | Number of link reset primitives received from an attached |
| device. |