The Object Dictionary
Object 1018H: Identity Object
Description | This object contains information about the splitter box. It indicates the |
| manufacturer's CiA identifier (vendor ID), the product code and the splitter box |
| revision numbers (revision number). |
| The revision information is coded in two parts: |
the major revision part (most significant word) indicates an evolution in CANopen
the minor revision part (least significant word) indicates an evolution in splitter functionalities only.
Characteristics | The characteristics of this object are outlined in the following table: |
| |||||
| |
| Description | Data type | Default value | Access | PDO | Backed up |
| |
| Mapping |
| |
0 | UNSIGNED8 | 3H | ro | no | no |
| ||
| number |
| |
| |
1 | Vendor ID | UNSIGNED32 | 0500 005AH | ro | no | no |
| |
| |
2 | Product code | UNSIGNED32 | See the table | ro | no | no |
| |
| below |
| |
3 | Revision | UNSIGNED32 | - | ro | no | no |
| |
| number |
| |
Default Value of | The default values of | ||
Reference | Object code |
| |
| ||
| FTB 1CN16EP0 | 9D4FH |
| FTB 1CN16EM0 | E174H |
| FTB 1CN08E08CM0 | E175H |
| FTB 1CN08E08SP0 | 9D51H |
| FTB 1CN12E04SP0 | 9D50H |
| FTB 1CN16CP0 | CA49H |
| FTB 1CN16CM0 | E176H |
1606218 02 08/2006 | 153 |