syngo Osteo CT
Example for one patient with three Osteo tomo- grams:
PATIENT; John Smith; 007; 64; Male
IMAGE; L2; 234; 2;
IMAGE; L3; 236; 3;
IMAGE; L4; 238; 4;
REFDATA; 64; Male; 20;
Data structure of the result file:
PATIENT; <Patient name>; <Patient ID>; <Age of patient>; <Sex of patient>
IMAGE; <Vertebra name>; <Image number>;
<Scan number>; <Scan date>; <Scan time>; <TML>; <TMR>; <TMT>; <TSL>; <TSR>; <TST>; <CML>; <CMR>; <CMT>; <CSL>; <CSR>; <CST>
REFDATA; <Age of patient>; <Sex of patient>; <Age of young normal>;
<BMD reference data, young control>; <Standard deviation reference data>