syngo Volume Evaluation
2.Preparing Volume Calculation
Before you start the volume definition, first optimize the display of the images. To make interactive volume definition easier, you can
•delete images that you do not require for volume cal- culation from the original data set
•change the display of the images in the MIP/results segment using the display mode (MaxIP, MinIP or MPR) and the slice thickness
•scroll through the image stack
•window, zoom and pan images
•show/hide image text display
•set evaluation limits: Using the evaluation limits you can perform volume calculation within a defined HU value range
3. Planning a Volume
Volume Evaluation offers different tools and methods to plan a volume.
•You can use the Automatic Volume Detection fea- ture, where the system automatically defines a vol- ume around a seed point. Volume CT searches for directly connected voxels within a defined HU range and assigns them to the volume.
•You can use the Interactive Volume Definition, where you draw either elliptical or freehand regions of interest (ROIs) on the images. The ROI contours define the outer border of the volume.