syngo Volume Evaluation
Volume is an evaluation function which allows most accurate calculation of a volume out of a stack of two- dimensional images.
This can be done by
Potential applications are volume measurements of a tumor or organs such as lung and kidney.
To do this, the Volume Evaluation card provides you with the following features:
•Evaluation on a separate syngo card on the user interface.
•Calculation of 5 different Volumes is possible in par- allel.
•For easy navigation, the image data is displayed in 3 different views: coronal, sagittal and transversal.
•Use of syngo functions such as Navigation lines and
•Transversal thick slice Multi Planar Reformat (MPR), Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) or Minimum Intensity Projection (MinIP) segments are available for better recognition of the Volume of Interest.
•Zoom & Pan is available for each image segment which is especially helpful for Volume definition of smaller structures.