Wiring Connection Tables | V1.98 21/06/06 |
Major Topic Heading
Spray ECU
This section will identify which Spray ECU you have and then will show the Wiring Connections for each Connector on the Spray ECU.
The ‘Spray ECU’ is identified by:
1- A yellow ‘ZYNX Logo’ on the top of the Spray ECU.
2- The ‘SPRAY ECU’ model is displayed under the ‘ZYNX Logo’.
Note: Some of the earlier Spray ECU’s had no ‘ZYNX logo’ and had tails for connectors. ‘SPRAY ECU’ was written on the controller. (Spray ECU
Once the Spray ECU model is identified, then go to the appropriate section, as listed below:
21.3Spray ECU (with tails)
21.4Spray ECU
21.5Spray ECU 3
21.6Spray ECU 10SR
21.7Spray ECU 30S
21.8Hardi 5500 Spray ECU
Then within each section there maybe a number of different Wiring Connection tables within each Spray ECU model.
Therefore the Part Number and Serial Number of the Spray ECU may need to be known. Below will show how to identify the Part Number, Serial Number and Revision Number of the Spray ECU.
part number
Firmware Version
Serial Number
Figure 76: Spray ECU Label
The Spray ECU label displays the ‘Part Number’, Program Firmware version’, and ‘Serial Number’.
Each ‘SPRAY ECU’ model has a different Part number and this is displayed.
The Serial Number is a combination of the model number of the Spray ECU, year the Spray ECU built and the serial number of the Spray ECU. Below is an example:
A2243 06 0005
Serial number of Spray ECU, example ‘0005’
Year the Spray ECU was built, example ‘06’
Model Number of Spray ECU, example A2243
Once the the Part Number and Serial Number have been identified then go to the sub- section of the your Spray ECU model and find the Wiring Connection for your Spray ECU.
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