Setup Options | V1.98 21/06/06 |
11.0 UNITS
Figure 45: Options- Units page
The UNITS page allows the operator to select the units preferred for operation. Select a unit from each of the windows:
1- Area Units; 2- Length; 3- Speed; 4- Weight; 5- Volume;
6- Injection- applies when ‘Injection’ is selected as one of the ‘Tank Modes’.
7- Pressure- applies when an electronic pressure sensor is installed on the sprayer.
Quick Set
Allows the operator to quickly change all the units to all Metric units or Imperial units or US units or Canada units.
The operator can still change the units to suit their operation.
Lock NH3 Calibration Factor at pulses per lb- This option allows the operator when applying Anhydrous Gas and the Calibration Factor on the NH3 Regulator Valve is in lb’s (Pulses per lb of N), but the operator wants to work in (kg of N) then select this box.
So the operator enters the Calibration Factor (pulses per lb of N), see Section 4.0; selects the UNITS/Weight to ‘kg’, then the sprayer software will convert the (pulses per lb of N) and display ‘kg of N’ on the ‘Working Screen’
Select this option if one of the ‘Tank Modes’ is set to NH3 and the operator has manually entered a Calibration Factor in (pulses per lb of N) and selected ‘kg’ on the UNITS/Weight, see Section 6.0.
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