Introduction | V1.98 21/06/06 |
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The Spray ECU is a new generation spray controller to used in conjunction with the NEW
X20 or ZYNX X15 consoles brought to you by KEE Technologies. The Console is the graphical interface of the Spray ECU controller. The Spray ECU replaces the KEE Sprayrate Interface.
The Spray ECU can control up to 30 section valves (3 wire) and allows Automatic Section Control (ASC) of the 30 section valves (the X15 Console can control up 15 sections under ASC). The Spray ECU can control up 2 liquid tanks directly. If the Spray ECU is used in conjunction with a
The Spray ECU can handle ‘Boom Sensing’ inputs therefore can be connected to existing Remote switches. The Spray ECU also has a new feature called ‘Section Mapping’ which allows one section switch to control a number of section valves. Therefore the existing KEE Switchbox or Remote switches (usually 6 or 8 switches) can control all 30 section valves when they are controlled manually. The ZYNX sprayer software sets up the section mapping automatically. The ASC still controls all 30 section valves individually.
The Spray ECU can control Regulator or Proportional type control valves. The Spray ECU can control ‘3 Wire’, ‘2 Wire’ (reverse polarity) or solenoid type section valves.
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