Setup Options | V1.98 21/06/06 |
10.1 SETUP (Spray ECU Only)
Figure 43: SETUP page showing ‘Pump Options’
Pump Options (Spray ECU only)
The ‘Enable Pump Control Button’ is displayed when ‘Spray ECU’ is selected, ‘Prop. Valve’ (Proportional Valve) and ‘Pr. Sense’ (Pressure Sensor) are selected.
Enable Pump Control Button (Spray ECU Only)
When the ‘Enable Pump Control Button’ option is selected this displays an extra button to the left of the ‘Master Switch’ on the ‘Working Screen’, called ‘PUMP’.
When the ‘PUMP’ button is switched OFF, on the ‘Working Screen’; this closes the proportional valve (by setting the PWM to zero) and stops the oil flow to the pump.
Do not select the ‘Enable Pump Control Button’ if the Hydraulic pump is controlled by an independent switch.
Holding Pressure
Set the ‘Holding Pressure’ to ‘0’.
This feature is for future developments.
Enable Pump Speed Indicator (Spray ECU Only)
Select ‘Enable Pump Speed Indicator’ when a speed sensor is fitted to the pump to readout the RPM of the pump shaft.
Enter in a ‘Min RPM’ value for the Pump Shaft, an alarm will be displayed when the pump speed falls below this value.
Enter in a ‘Max RPM’ value for the Pump Shaft, an alarm will be displayed when the pump speed goes above this value.
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