Setup Options | V1.98 21/06/06 |
15.0 OTHER
Figure 51: Options- Other page
Language Select ‘English’.
‘Portuguese’ (Brazil) can be selected for the Brazilian Market.
1- ‘Animate Section Valves’- When selected it will animate the section valves on the ‘Sprayer Working Screen’ and the screen section valves rotate when there is a flow present.
2- ‘Auto Section Click Sound’- when selected there will be an Auto Section ‘Click’ when the section valve switches ON or OFF, under Auto Section Control (ASC).
3- ‘Faster Manual Switching’- When an ‘External Switchbox’ is connected, this option may be selected so the ZYNX reads the switchbox more often to speed up the response to manual switches.
Note: You have successfully entered all the details for your sprayer. Go to Section 16.0 to save the settings and name the sprayer configuration.
Select the ‘DONE’ button.
When all the sprayer settings have been entered, then Go to Section 16.0 to save the sprayer settings and name the sprayer configuration.
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