| 6F3B0253 |
| 10. Troubleshooting |
| Error message and related information | Special | Meaning and countermeasures | |||
| Event | Info 1 | Info 2 | Info 3 | device |
| Batt voltage drop |
| S00F | In the |
| of RAM |
| If retentive registers are used, these validity |
| are not guaranteed. (No error down) |
| Boundary error | Program | Address | FUN No. |
| The register of index modification is other |
| type - | in the |
| than RW, T, C and D. (Error down) |
| block No. | block |
| S064 | The register designated by index |
| modification has exceeded the allowable |
| range. That is, out of RW, T, C and D. |
| (No error down) |
| Check the value of the index register. |
| S00A | The data of | |
| (No error down) |
| Set the date and time. |
| (Enhanced model only) |
| Duplicate entry No. | Program | Address | Entry No. |
| Multiple SUBR instructions which have the |
| type - | in the |
| same subroutine number are programmed. |
| block No. | block |
| (Error down) |
| Check the program. |
| EEPROM BCC error | Illegal |
| S004 | BCC error has been detected in the user |
| BCC |
| S013 | program of the EEPROM. (Error down) |
| Reload the program and execute EEPROM |
| write operation again. |
| EEPROM warning | Number |
| S007 | The number of times of writing into |
| of excess |
| EEPROM has exceeded the life (100,000 |
| writing |
| times). (No error down) |
| Replace the unit because the data reliability |
| of the EEPROM will decrease. |
| I/O bus error | Unit No. | Data |
| S005 | An abnormality has been detected in I/O |
| S020 | bus checking. (Error down) |
| Check the expansion cable connection and |
| I/O module mounting status. |
| I/O mismatch | Unit No. - | Register |
| S005 | The I/O allocation information and the |
| slot No. | No. |
| S021 | actual I/O configuration are not identical. |
| (Error down) |
| Check the I/O allocation and the I/O module |
| mounting status. |
| I/O no answer | Unit No. - | Register |
| S005 | No response from the T2 I/O module has |
| slot No. | No. |
| S022 | been received. (Error down) |
| Check the I/O allocation, the expansion |
| cable connection and the T2 I/O module |
| mounting status. |
| I/O parity error | Unit No. - | Register |
| S005 | I/O bus parity error has been detected in |
| slot No. | No. |
| S023 | data read/write for T2 I/O modules. (Error |
| down) |
| Check the expansion cable connection and |
| the T2 I/O module mounting status. |
| Illegal I/O reg | Unit No. - | Register |
| S005 | The allocated I/O register address exceeds |
| slot No. | No. |
| S021 | the limit, 32 words. (Error down) |
| Check the I/O allocation. |
Basic Hardware and Function 289