Basic Hardware and Function 87
6. Programming Information
The followings are examples of index modifications.
When I = 0, it designates RW10.
When I = 1, it designates RW11.
When I = -1, it designates RW09.
When I = 10, it designates RW20.
When I = -10, it designates RW00.
When J = 0, it designates D0201D0200.
When J = 1, it designates D0202D0201.
When J = 2, it designates D0203D0202.
When J = -1, it designates D0200D0199.
When J = -2, it designates D0199D0198.
Be careful that the registers do not exceed the address range by the index
modification. The address range is not checked by the T1-16S.
Substitutions of values into index registers and index modifications can be
used any times in a program. No rmally, the program will be easier to see if
a value substitution into an index register is positioned immediately before
the index modification.