6. Programming Information
In the program type ‘Subroutine’, The following number of subroutines can be programmed.
The subroutine is not a independent program. It is called from other program types (main program,
One subroutine is started with the SUBR instruction, and ended by the RET instruction.
It is necessary to assign a subroutine number to the SUBR instruction. The available subroutine numbers are 0 to 255.
[ SUBR (000) ]
Subroutine number
The RET instruction has no subroutine number.
The instruction that calls a registered subroutine is the CALL instruction. The CALL instruction has the subroutine number to be called.
[ CALL N.000 ]
Subroutine number
Main program
[ CALL N.000 ]
[ SUBR (000) ]
| [ RET ] |
(1)Multiple subroutines can be programmed in a block. However, one subroutine in one block is recommended.
(2)From the inside of a subroutine, other subroutines can be called (nesting). Its allowable level is up to 3 levels.
Basic Hardware and Function 97