Command Headers The command header has a hierarchical structure that may be represented by a command tree (see Figure 3±3). An
The top level of the tree is the root level. A root node is a mnemonic at the root level. A root node and one or more
| :STATus |
| Root node |
| ||
| |||||
| ||
| ||
OPERation | QUEStionabl | ... |
| |||||||
| |||||||||
| nodes |
| |
| ||
... |
| |
| Leaf nodes | |||
| ||||
[EVENt]? | ENABl | ENABl? | ... |
Figure 3±3: Tree hierarchy
The header path and leaf node together form the command header. Figure 3±4 shows the command header for the leaf node indicated in Figure 3±3.
Root Node
Header Path | Leaf Node |
Command Header
Figure 3±4: Command header
Parameter You must include values for commands that have parameters. In this manual, the
<> symbols enclose the parameter type when stating the syntax of the com- mand. For example, the syntax of the command in Figure 3±5 includes the parameter type.
:STATus:OPERation:ENABl <NRf>
Figure 3±5: Command header with parameter
3±22 | VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual |