| Chapter 7 Interfaces | |
| Table 41 Configuration > Network > Interface > Ethernet > Edit (continued) | ||
| Egress | Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the ZyWALL can send |
| Bandwidth | through the interface to the network. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576. |
| Ingress | This is reserved for future use. |
| Bandwidth | Enter the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits per second, the ZyWALL can receive |
| |
| from the network through the interface. Allowed values are 0 - 1048576. |
| MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each data packet, in bytes, |
| that can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the ZyWALL divides it |
| into smaller fragments. Allowed values are 576 - 1500. Usually, this value is 1500. |
| Connectivity Check | These fields appear when Interface Properties is External or General. |
| The interface can regularly check the connection to the gateway you specified to make |
| sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection, how |
| long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive |
| failures are required before the ZyWALL stops routing to the gateway. The ZyWALL |
| resumes routing to the gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity |
| check. |
| Enable | Select this to turn on the connection check. |
| Connectivity |
| Check |
| Check Method | Select the method that the gateway allows. |
| Select icmp to have the ZyWALL regularly ping the gateway you specify to make sure |
| it is still available. |
| Select tcp to have the ZyWALL regularly perform a TCP handshake with the gateway |
| you specify to make sure it is still available. |
| Check Period | Enter the number of seconds between connection check attempts. |
| Check Timeout | Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure. |
| Check Fail | Enter the number of consecutive failures before the ZyWALL stops routing through the |
| Tolerance | gateway. |
| Check Default | Select this to use the default gateway for the connectivity check. |
| Gateway |
| Check this | Select this to specify a domain name or IP address for the connectivity check. Enter |
| address | that domain name or IP address in the field next to it. |
| Check Port | This field only displays when you set the Check Method to tcp. Specify the port |
| number to use for a TCP connectivity check. |
| DHCP Setting | This section appears when Interface Type is internal or general. |
| DHCP | Select what type of DHCP service the ZyWALL provides to the network. Choices are: |
| None - the ZyWALL does not provide any DHCP services. There is already a DHCP |
| server on the network. |
| DHCP Relay - the ZyWALL routes DHCP requests to one or more DHCP servers you |
| specify. The DHCP server(s) may be on another network. |
| DHCP Server - the ZyWALL assigns IP addresses and provides subnet mask, gateway, |
| and DNS server information to the network. The ZyWALL is the DHCP server for the |
| network. |
| These fields appear if the ZyWALL is a DHCP Relay. |
| Relay Server 1 | Enter the IP address of a DHCP server for the network. |
| Relay Server 2 | This field is optional. Enter the IP address of another DHCP server for the network. |
| These fields appear if the ZyWALL is a DHCP Server. |
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ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide | |