Chapter 26 Device HA

Note: Only ZyWALLs of the same model and firmware version can synchronize.

Otherwise you must manually configure the master ZyWALL’s settings on the backup (by editing copies of the configuration files in a text editor for example).

Finding Out More

See Section 26.5 on page 366 for device HA background/technical information.

26.1.3Before You Begin

Configure a static IP address for each interface that you will have device HA monitor.

26.2 Device HA General

The Configuration > Device HA General screen lets you enable or disable device HA, and displays which device HA mode the ZyWALL is set to use along with a summary of the monitored interfaces.

Figure 236 Configuration > Device HA > General

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 129 Configuration > Device HA > General



Enable Device

Turn the ZyWALL’s device HA feature on or off.




Note: It is not recommended to use STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) with device HA.



Device HA Mode

This displays the ZyWALL is currently set to use active-passive mode device HA.




This table shows the status of the interfaces that you selected for monitoring in the other


device HA screens.






This is the entry’s index number in the list.




These are the names of the interfaces that are monitored by device HA.



Virtual Router IP

This is the interface’s IP address and subnet mask. Whichever ZyWALL is the master uses

/ Netmask

this virtual router IP address and subnet mask.





ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide