Chapter 17 Inbound Load Balancing





Table 93 Configuration > Network > Inbound LB > Add/Edit (continued)





Load Balancing

Select a load balancing method to use from the drop-down list box.






Select Weighted Round Robin to balance the traffic load between



interfaces based on their respective weights. An interface with a larger



weight gets more chances to transmit traffic than an interface with a



smaller weight. For example, if the weight ratio of wan1 and wan2



interfaces is 2:1, the ZyWALL chooses wan1 for 2 sessions’ traffic and wan2



for every session’s traffic in each round of 3 new sessions.



Select Least Connection to have the ZyWALL choose the member interface which is



handling the least number of sessions.



Select Least Load - Outbound to have the ZyWALL choose the member interface



which is handling the least amount of outgoing traffic.



Select Least Load - Inbound to have the ZyWALL choose the member interface



which is handling the least amount of incoming traffic.



Select Least Load - Total to have the ZyWALL choose the member interface which



is handling the least amount of outgoing and incoming traffic.





Failover IP Address

Enter an alternate IP address with which the ZyWALL will respond to a DNS query



message when the load balancing algorithm cannot find any available interface.






Click this to create a new member interface for this rule.






Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can



modify the entry’s settings.






To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The ZyWALL confirms you want to



remove it before doing so.






This field displays the order in which the ZyWALL checks this rule’s member








IP Address

This field displays the IP address of the member interface.





Monitor Interface

This field displays the name of the member interface. The ZyWALL manages load



balancing between the member interfaces.






This field is available if you selected Weighted Round Robin as the load balancing



algorithm. This field displays the weight of the member interface. An interface with a



larger weight gets more chances to transmit traffic than an interface with a smaller









Click OK to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.






Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.




17.2.2 The Inbound LB Member Add/Edit Screen

The Add Load Balancing Member screen allows you to add a member interface for the DNS load balancing rule. Click Configuration > Network > Inbound LB > Add or Edit and then an Add or Edit icon to open this screen.



ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide