Chapter 27 User/Group





Table 137 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Setting (continued)






This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.





User Type

These are the kinds of user account the ZyWALL supports.



admin - this user can look at and change the configuration of the






limited-admin- this user can look at the configuration of the ZyWALL



but not to change it



user - this user has access to the ZyWALL’s services but cannot look at



the configuration



guest - this user has access to the ZyWALL’s services but cannot look at



the configuration



ext-user- this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as



RADIUS or LDAP. See Ext-User Accounts on page 372 for more



information about this type.



ext-group-user- this user account is maintained in a remote server,



such as RADIUS or LDAP. See Ext-Group-User Accounts on page 372 for



more information about this type.





Lease Time

This is the default lease time in minutes for each type of user account. It



defines the number of minutes the user has to renew the current session



before the user is logged out.



Admin users renew the session every time the main screen refreshes in the



Web Configurator. Access users can renew the session by clicking the



Renew button on their screen. If you allow access users to renew time



automatically (see Section 27.4 on page 378), the users can select this



check box on their screen as well. In this case, the session is automatically



renewed before the lease time expires.





Reauthentication Time

This is the default reauthentication time in minutes for each type of user



account. It defines the number of minutes the user can be logged into the



ZyWALL in one session before having to log in again. Unlike Lease Time,



the user has no opportunity to renew the session without logging out.





Miscellaneous Settings






Allow renewing lease time

Select this check box if access users can renew lease time automatically, as



well as manually, simply by selecting the Updating lease time



automatically check box on their screen.





Enable user idle detection

This is applicable for access users.



Select this check box if you want the ZyWALL to monitor how long each



access user is logged in and idle (in other words, there is no traffic for this



access user). The ZyWALL automatically logs out the access user once the



User idle timeout has been reached.





User idle timeout

This is applicable for access users.



This field is effective when Enable user idle detection is checked. Type the



number of minutes each access user can be logged in and idle before the



ZyWALL automatically logs out the access user.





User Logon Settings






Limit the number of

Select this check box if you want to set a limit on the number of


simultaneous logons for

simultaneous logins by admin users. If you do not select this, admin users


administration account

can login as many times as they want at the same time using the same or





different IP addresses.





Maximum number per

This field is effective when Limit ... for administration account is


administration account

checked. Type the maximum number of simultaneous logins by each admin








Limit the number of

Select this check box if you want to set a limit on the number of


simultaneous logons for

simultaneous logins by non-admin users. If you do not select this, access


access account

users can login as many times as they want as long as they use different IP











ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide