Chapter 17 Inbound Load Balancing

Use the Inbound LB Add/Edit screen (see Section 17.2.1 on page 249) to add or edit a DNS load balancing rule.

17.2The Inbound LB Screen

The Inbound LB screen provides a summary of all DNS load balancing rules and the details. You can also use this screen to add, edit, or remove the rules. Click Configuration > Network > Inbound LB to open the following screen.

Note: After you finish the inbound load balancing settings, go to firewall and NAT screens to configure the corresponding rule and virtual server to allow the Internet users to access your internal servers.

Figure 146 Configuration > Network > Inbound LB

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 92 Configuration > Network > Inbound LB



Global Setting




Enable DNS Load

Select this to enable DNS load balancing.










Click this to create a new entry.




Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can


modify the entry’s settings.




To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The ZyWALL confirms you want to


remove it before doing so.




To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.




To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.




To move an entry to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field


that appears, specify the number to which you want to move the entry.




This icon is lit when the entry is active and dimmed when the entry is inactive.




This field displays the order in which the ZyWALL checks the member interfaces of


this DNS load balancing rule.



Query Domain Name

This field displays the domain name for which the ZyWALL manages load balancing


between the specified interfaces.





ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide