Chapter 26 Device HA

3Enable the bridge interface on the master ZyWALL and then on the backup ZyWALL.

Br0 {ge4, ge5}



Br0 {ge4, ge5}

4Connect the ZyWALLs.

Br0 {ge4, ge5}



Br0 {ge4, ge5}


During synchronization, the master ZyWALL sends the following information to the backup ZyWALL.

Startup configuration file (startup-config.conf)

Certificates (My Certificates, and Trusted Certificates)

Synchronization does not change the device HA settings in the backup ZyWALL.

Synchronization affects the entire device configuration. You can only configure one set of settings for synchronization, regardless of how many VRRP groups you might configure. The ZyWALL uses Secure FTP (on a port number you can change) to synchronize, but it is still recommended that the backup ZyWALL synchronize with a master ZyWALL on a secure network.

The backup ZyWALL gets the configuration from the master ZyWALL. The backup ZyWALL cannot become the master or be managed while it applies the new configuration. This usually takes two or three minutes or longer depending on the configuration complexity.

The following restrictions apply with active-passive mode.

• The master ZyWALL must have no inactive monitored interfaces.



ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide