Chapter 8 Trunk

Figure 105 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Add (or Edit)

Each field is described in the table below.

Table 65 Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk > Add (or Edit)




This is read-only if you are editing an existing trunk. When adding a new trunk, enter a


descriptive name for this trunk. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,


underscores (_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is



Load Balancing

Select a load balancing method to use from the drop-down list box.


Select Weighted Round Robin to balance the traffic load between interfaces based on



their respective weights. An interface with a larger weight gets more chances to


transmit traffic than an interface with a smaller weight. For example, if the weight ratio


of wan1 and wan2 interfaces is 2:1, the ZyWALL chooses wan1 for 2 sessions’ traffic


and wan2 for 1 session’s traffic in each round of 3 new sessions.


Select Least Load First to send new session traffic through the least utilized trunk




Select Spillover to send network traffic through the first interface in the group


member list until there is enough traffic that the second interface needs to be used


(and so on).



Load Balancing

This field is available if you selected to use the Least Load First or Spillover method.


Select Outbound, Inbound, or Outbound + Inbound to set the traffic to which the



ZyWALL applies the load balancing method. Outbound means the traffic traveling from


an internal interface (ex. LAN) to an external interface (ex. WAN). Inbound means the






The table lists the trunk’s member interfaces. You can add, edit, remove, or move


entries for user configured trunks.




Click this to add a member interface to the trunk. Select an interface and click Add to


add a new member interface after the selected member interface.




Select an entry and click Edit to modify the entry’s settings.




To remove a member interface, select it and click Remove. The ZyWALL confirms you


want to remove it before doing so.




To move an interface to a different number in the list, click the Move icon. In the field


that appears, specify the number to which you want to move the interface.




This column displays the priorities of the group’s interfaces. The order of the interfaces


in the list is important since they are used in the order they are listed.





ZyWALL 110/310/1100 Series User’s Guide