Configuring ATM Information 3-7
■If PVC is selected, enter the VPI and VCI.
■VPI — The Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) is part of the cell header for the cells that are transferred over this connection.
■VCI — The Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) is part of the cell header for the cells that are transferred over this connection. If you are configuring multiple VCs, enter the number of the respective VC in this field.
■If necessary, enter any Category of Service parameters that have been provided to you.
■UBR — Unspecified Bit Rate; no limit has been specified for the rate for information flow.
■VBR — Variable Bit Rate; a certain rate has been specified for the flow of information.
■CBR — Constant Bit Rate; a constant rate has been specified for the flow of information.
■Enter the cell rate transmission parameters, if applicable.
■PCR — The Peak Cell Rate is the maximum amount of cells per second transmitted over this connection. This is determined by the minimum intercell spacing in seconds, which is the time interval from the first bit of one cell to the first bit of the next cell.
■SCR — The Sustainable Cell Rate, in cells/second. This is the rate at which cells are transmitted over this connection. This is the