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Set SSH authentication timeout
time ssh server timeout seconds Optional
By default, the timeout time is
60 seconds.
Set SSH authentication retry
times ssh server
authentication-retries times
By default, the number of retry
times is 3.
Set RSA server key update
interval ssh server rekey-interval
By default, the system does not
update RSA server keys.
Configure SSH server to be
compatible with SSH1.x clients ssh server compatible-ssh1x
By default, SSH server is
compatible with SSH1.x clients.
Configure a login header header shell text Optional
By default, no login header is
z You can configure a login header only when the service type is stelnet. For configuration of service
types, see Specifying a Service Type for an SSH User.
z For details of the header command, see the corresponding section in Login Command.
Configuring the Client Public Key on the Server
This configuration is not necessary if the password authentication mode is configured for SSH users.
With the publickey authentication mode configured for an SSH client, you must configure the client’s
RSA or DSA host public key(s) on the server for authentication.
You can manually configure the public key or import it from a public key file. In the former case, you can
manually copy the client’s public key to the server. In the latter case, the system automatically converts
the format of the public key generated by the client to complete the configuration on the server, but the
client’s public key should be transferred from the client to the server beforehand through FTP/TFTP.
Follow these steps to configure the client’s public key manually:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view
Enter public key view public-key peer keyname Required