Chapter 5: Status Menu
Viewing Basic IP and Radio Information
To view basic configuration settings about the LAN port and radios, select the Interfaces selection from the Status menu. The selection displays the “View settings for network interfaces” window, shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41. View Settings for Network Interfaces Window
The top section of the window displays the MAC and IP addresses of the access point, along with the subnet mask, default gateway, and domain name servers. To configure the settings, click Edit to display the “Modify Ethernet (Wired) settings” window, shown in Figure 6 on page 32, and explained in “Assigning a Static IP Address to the Access Point” on page 32 and “Assigning a Dynamic IP Address from a DHCP Server to the Access Point” on page 34.
The bottom section of the window displays the basic settings of the radios and includes their MAC addresses, operational modes, and channels. To configure the settings, click Edit to display the “Modify wireless settings” window, shown in Figure 7 on page 37 and explained in “Configuring Basic Radio Settings” on page 39. To configure additional radio settings, refer to “Configuring the Radio Settings” on page 42.