100 MVP-7500/8400 Modero Viewpoint Wireless Touch Panels
Page Commands (Cont.)
Set the modality
of a specific
popup page to
Modal or
A Modal popup page, when active, only allows you to use the buttons and features on that
popup page. All other buttons on the panel page are inactivated.
"'@PPM-<popup page name>;<mode>'"
Varia ble:
popup page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the popup page.
mode = NONMODAL converts a previously Modal popup page to a NonModal.
MODAL converts a previously NonModal popup page to Modal.
modal = 1 and non-modal = 0
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PPM-Popup1;Modal'"
Sets the popup page ’Popup1’ to Modal.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PPM-Popup1;1'"
Sets the popup page ’Popup1’ to Modal.
Activate a
specific popup
page to launch on
either a specified
page or the
current page.
If the page name is empty, the current page is used (see example 2). If the popup page is
already on, do not re-draw it. This command works in the same way as the ’Show Popup’
command in TPDesign4.
"'@PPN-<popup page name>;<page name>'"
Varia ble:
popup page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the popup page.
page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the page the popup is displayed On.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PPN-Popup1;Main'"
Activates ’Popup1’ on the ’Main’ page.
Example 2:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PPN-Popup1'"
Activates the popup page ’Popup1’ on the current page.
Set a specific
popup page to
timeout within a
specified time.
If timeout is empty, popup page will clear the timeout.
"'@PPT-<popup page name>;<timeout>'"
Varia ble:
popup page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the popup page.
timeout = Timeout duration in 1/10ths of a second.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PPT-Popup1;30'"
Sets the popup page ’Popup1’ to timeout within 3 seconds.
Close all
popups on all
This command works in the same way as the 'Clear All' command in TPDesign 4.
Close all popups on all pages.
Set the show
effect for the
specified popup
page to the
named show
"'@PSE-<popup page name>;<show effect name>'"
Varia ble:
popup page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Name of the page the popup is displayed
show effect name = Refers to the popup effect name being used.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@PSE-Popup1;Slide from Left'"
Sets the Popup1 show effect name to ’Slide from Left’.